Wednesday, June 1, 2011

365 Squarey Monsters

It's been a while since we posted to our blog. It's not because we don't like you… *eerrrp* …'S'cuse me. The monkeys who make us have been very busy with Squaredy Cats, and, well, I guess it's safer to ignore your monsters than to ignore your cats.

Anywho, they're starting *aNOTHer* blog (as if we need to be brushed-off some more). But, yay, this one is a creative Squarey Monsters blog. Kurt from Monkey Doodle Dandy is going to make a new Squarey Monster every day for 365 days. Maybe while he's at it it he can expand our world before it gets too crowded, eh?

So, here's a link to the blog. Enjoy :)

365 Squarey Monsters